B2L House moved to San Antonio, TX. To contact us please send us an email to donations@b2lhouse.org and we will send you the latest details and address information.
You can now also use paypal for your donation:
------------------Or for monthly donations
use the following:
Notes about donations
All donations are tax-deductible for donors who are US taxpayers. B2L House issues you a tax receipt immediately after making a donation or in case of recurring donations, Tier44 will issue a tax receipt in January the following year with a summary of all your donations over the year.
Stock Donations
You can enjoy significant tax advantages when you transfer securities, instead of donating cash, to B2L House:
If you held the stock for at least one year, you receive a tax deduction for the full value of the stock at the time of donation (not just the amount you paid for the stock). You avoid paying both capital gains tax and stock sales commissions. (Brokerage fees are paid out of your donation, however.) As a result, you can give your favorite nonprofits larger gifts by donating stock rather than cash. Please contact us for details and we are happy to help.
As always, however, you should consult a tax advisor about your particular circumstances.